Resorting to domestic abuse: How can we change?
First come the excuses, the denials. It takes time to admit what you’ve done. Some people never do. Then there are those who finally accept their responsibility and step out on the road to reform.
The Poussière podcast tackles domestic violence from all angles and there’s one angle we haven’t covered – a sensitive one, but an important one nonetheless.
The people you are about to listen to have been abusers in the past and talk about their mistakes, their failures and their therapeutic journey: breaking out of denial; facing their guilt and shame; finding the will to change; understanding the cause of their abusive behaviour without making excuses for it; and mastering their emotions and finding alternatives to violence.
These are just some of the many steps taken by these three men who have agreed to speak anonymously in this episode.
Annick Bavaud, director of services at the Centre Prévention de l’Ale, shares her experience of supporting and counselling people who have committed abuse, either under a court order or voluntarily.
The people featured in this episode have been chosen because of the therapy they have undergone, allowing them to give us an informed and honest testimony. They share their stories so that others can come out of denial and dare to ask for help. If you choose to listen to this episode, we ask that you listen with an open mind and respect.
Meet the expert
Annick Bavaud is the Director of Services at the Centre Prévention de l’Ale and Resource Centre of the Malley-Prairie Foundation and is a trained social educator with an HES diploma. She is certified in systemic intervention and therapy methods and has more than 10 years of experience working with people who have been abused by their partners. Trained as a couples therapist (IFATC, Lyon, France), she also works with couples who have experienced violence and abuse in their relationship. She regularly runs awareness-raising seminars and training courses on the subject of domestic abuse, with a focus on the specific issues faced by perpetrators.
Cyrulnik, B. (2010). Preface, in J.-M. Deslauriers, G. Tremblay, S. Genest Dufault, D. Blanchette and J.-Y. Desgagnés (Eds.). Regards sur les hommes et les masculinité: XV-XVIII (translation: Views on men and masculinity: XV-XVIII). Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval.
Perrone, R., Nannini, M. (1997). Violence et abus sexuels dans la famille: une vision systémique des conduites sociales violentes (translation: Violence and sexual abuse in the family: A systemic view of violent social behaviour). Paris: ESF publisher.
Production and visuals by Julia Guglielmetti for the Association VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE
Music: Valentin Perroud – Pylone – Bloom