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Psychological and economic abuse
This type of abuse leaves no physical marks. It is subtle and difficult to detect, but its impact on the health and lives of those who suffer it is far from insignificant. In this first episode, eight women survivors of psychological and economic abuse within their marriage agreed to share their experiences anonymously with VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE. Dr Escard joins them, sharing his expertise and offering insights.
What is psychological and economic abuse? How does this abuse differ from marital conflict? How does it develop in a relationship? Are there risk factors? What are the consequences of this abuse and how can we overcome it?
These are the questions that this first episode aims to answer.
Meet the expert
Emmanuel Escard is a doctor and director of the Interdisciplinary Unit for Medicine and Prevention of Violence (UIMPV) at Geneva University Hospitals (HUG). He has been working in the field of abuse and mental health for 25 years. The UIMPV was created in 1997 and specialises in the treatment of patients who are victims, perpetrators or witnesses of interpersonal abuse.
Production and visuals by Julia Guglielmetti for the Association VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE
Music: Valentin Perroud – Pylone – Bloom