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Meet our team

Current committee


Philippe Bigler

Director, Centre d'accueil Malley-Prairie and Centre Prévention de l'Ale

Claudia D’Andrea

Social worker and anthropologist

Vice president 

Stéphanie Reichenbach

Lawyer, Office cantonal de l'égalité et de la famille, canton of Valais.


Ana Soares

Economist, Head of Training and Education at Pix4D SA



Jimmy Salchegger

HR specialist

Sophie Leuenberger

Lawyer, member of the Association "Avocats Ressources en matière de violences domestiques" (Domestic Abuse Resource Lawyers)

Coordinator: Marion Labeaut

Marion has a Bachelor's degree in political science and a Master's degree in socio-economics, with a particular focus on gender studies. When she was project officer at the Office for Gender Equality (BEFH), she worked mainly on the issue of forced marriages. Marion has a strong awareness of gender issues and, in particular, the problem of gender-based violence against women. She has been working closely with people affected by domestic abuse since she joined the VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE association in 2017. Since 2022, she has been receiving regular training in motivational counselling, an approach that reinforces the idea that if someone is to change, it has to be meaningful for them. For this process to make sense, it is important to work on the notion of significance and confidence, therefore the benefits of motivational interviewing are integrated into the practices of VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE.

Secretary: Sandrine Calderon

Sandrine a obtenu un CFC d’employée de commerce en 1999 auprès du Registre foncier d’Echallens, suivi d’un diplôme d’aide-comptable en février 2023. Pendant plusieurs années, elle a travaillé dans des domaines variés en tant que secrétaire-comptable dans un cabinet fiscal, une école internationale puis chez un notaire. Elle a rejoint aduna romandie en mai 2023, une institution à but non lucratif au service des associations et des ONG et prend le nouveau mandat de VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE pour le secrétariat. Très enthousiaste de travailler dans un domaine au service de l’aide aux personnes victimes de violence au sein du couple. C’est une nouvelle expérience qu’elle accepte avec grand plaisir.

Digital Marketing Manager: Vanessa Hambaryan

A graduate of Sawi and CREA Geneve in marketing, communication and digital strategy, with a social networks specialization., Vanessa has been working in the communication industry for over 15 years. She has held a wide variety of exciting positions in the press, in communications agencies and in the luxury hotel industry. Since 2020, Vanessa has been supporting and coaching associations, freelancers and businesses as a freelance communications and digital strategist. Involving herself in a non-profit organisation such as VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE is a great challenge that she is delighted to take up with passion and creativity.

Project Officer: Livilla Norré

Livilla holds a Bachelor's degree in social work and a Master's degree in social sciences from the University of Fribourg. Throughout her career as a social worker, Livilla has worked in the field of victim support, including a position in the emergency shelter of the Solidarité Femmes LAVI centre in the canton of Fribourg. She has also, on several occasions, hosted the exhibition "Plus fort que la violence" (Stronger than the abuse), produced by the Fribourg Gender and Family Office (BEF). The subject of abuse and providing help for victims of crime are causes that are particularly close to her heart. Sensitive to gender issues and the challenges they entail, Livilla has explored these subjects in depth through a number of research projects carried out during her university studies, particularly as part of her Master's thesis. Livilla began working for VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE on 1 January 2024.

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